About Us
The firm is an IP (Intellectual Property) holding company. We develop technologies in statistically rigorous yet flexible forecasting, lean hardware and software architectures. All the technologies we develop are original.
Problem Statements
How to Forecast
We consider that any two objects could boast of predictive power for each other. The problem is to compute the conditional distribution of 's change in the future given 's change at present. We build TS Terminal.
- Koenker, R. (2005). Quantile Regression (Econometric Society Monographs). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511754098
How to Reason (or Imagine)
We see about two phases: turn information into structured knowledge, then reason or imagine from the current premise. They happen continually.
- Jürgen Schmidhuber, Artificial Curiosity & Creativity Since 1990-91.
- The Turing Machine. Note that the original conception performs one calculation at a step, or in another term, it generates one "thought" at a step, which is both energy-efficient and explanable.
Lean Hardware and Software Architectures
We favour simple and transparent hardware and software architectures.
- RISC-V: an open ISA (Instruction set architecture) for CPUs, the core computing chips.
- Plan 9, the once intended successor to Unix. Compiles fast, with many "cloud-like" features in a small build.
Email: info AT brief-ds.com